Carbon Fiber/Tan Kevlar Fabric Plain Weave 3k 50″/127cm 5.5oz/186gsm

SKU: F-2474-50


    Title Range Discount
    Per Linear Yard 5 - 9 $37.71
    Per Linear Yard 10 - 24 $36.56
    Per Linear Yard 25 - 49 $35.79
    Per Linear Yard 50 - 99 $34.63
    Per Linear Yard 100 + $32.71
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    Please Note: Due to the nature of composite materials, coloration of fabric may change or darken when resin is introduced to your part/fabric.


    The material is a hybrid of carbon fiber and Kevlar. This fabric has a width of 50″, tow size of 3k and is woven in a plain weave.

    To harden the raw fabric into a usable form, you will need the appropriate resin or epoxy for your project. For the colored materials, we suggest one of our resins which cure clear.

    Product Description

    Carbon Fiber / Aramid / Kevlar Hybrid fabrics.

    This carbon fiber and aramid hybrid fabric combines the properties of both highly advanced fiber reinforcements. The carbon tow provides a very high level of strength and stiffness, while the aramid provides very good impact/abrasion/fracture resistance to the laminate layup. The aramid that is used in our cloth featuring colored aramid is DuPont Kevlar® while the natural or yellow aramid fabrics use either DuPont Kevlar or Lumat brand aramid. These fabrics are not just amazing looking cloths but combined with their unique weave patterns, they are ideal for usage in a wide variety of different applications. Many high-performance, high-impact applications can benefit from these materials such as boat building, automotive, military, racing, sporting goods and high strength paneling, just to name a few.

    This material is suitable for just about any process that you would like to use. Like a simple wet-layup, or more advanced processes like vacuum infusion, vacuum bagging or RTM manufacturing processes. In addition to dry cloth, we are able to have this turned into prepreg for the advanced composite customer. This material is also highly sought after for parts that are being wrapped/skinned for just a single surface layer when trying to gain that cool composite look with an added reinforcement layer and not spending the time or money into creating tools for finished parts.

    When using this material as a reinforcement in a part, you will want to use several layers of this fabric in each part. We also recommend rotating the composite layers to give the parts the same attributes in all directions. Non-structural components like body panels and covers will typically require only 1 or two layers of this cloth when combining this with other layers of reinforcement like standard carbon fiber or fiberglass fabrics.

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    Ends Per Inch

    Pics Per Inch


    Unit of Measure


    Yarn Size Warp

    Yarn Size Weft

    Tow Size


    Material Warp

    Material Weft


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    How We Sell - Fabrics

    Our fabrics are sold by the linear yard, with the exception of our samples which are a single 4"x4" (or 5"x7") piece. The unit price displayed is for 1 linear yard; all volume discounts will be automatically applied when selecting larger quantities of fabric when added to your shopping cart, as indicated in the table above with quantity discount ranges for units purchased.

    Please purchase the number of linear yards that you require. When purchasing multiple yards of the same fabric, you will receive one continuous length of that material. We carefully take that material and roll it onto a cardboard core and wrap clear plastic or Kraft paper over it, making sure to keep the fabric in its first quality condition. We pride ourselves on having one of the best material handling crews possible.

    Resin Consumption

    Resin consumption is provided for the approximate amount of resin by weight in the final part after processing by vacuum infusion. This does not account for the resin used in the flow lines and consumables such as flow media or breather cloth. Wet-layup by hand will also have a higher resin consumption in the final part and depends on the user’s techniques. Vacuum bagging a wet layup will improve the resin content. Too much resin will cause a weaker part, not stronger. The average rule of thumb is around 45% (+/- a couple of percent). To calculate actual resin % in your part, a burn test is used. For example, you have a part weighing 100 grams, and you would burn off the resin, which would leave the fiber behind. You should have 55 grams of fiber left when your process is working correctly. Due to the variables in processing, it is hard to give an accurate amount of resin needed to purchase for making your part. However, you will have waste no matter what method is used. A suggested ratio is about 1-1.5lbs of resin per lb of fabric purchased.

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