We make every effort to display the products and other images on our site as accurately as possible. However actual colors may vary. The colors will appear different in various lighting conditions (e.g. sunlight vs. fluorescent light). Your individual monitor settings and screen brightness can cause the appearance of the color on the screen to differ from our actual photograph. Everyone see colors differently so even person to person colors may look different. We cannot guarantee that the color you see is the true color of the product or of any dyed textile product, The dye shades may slightly vary from one production run to the next but are often undecidable from the naked eye.
In color sensitive cases we highly recommended that you order a sample first, before placing the order for your full sized composite. After you receive your samples, keep in mind that even the actual sample can have minimal color variations from the finished product as stated by our manufacturers. Also, all fabrics will have a color change of some sort after a resin system would be applied but will vary case by case depending on the resin system used and the application method. Most of the colors will darken with the resins that we have tested in-house. We often have people purchase sample books and then do a simple hand lamination of the sample to insure what it is they are wanting to purchase yardage of will result in the desired look.